Takenoko Review

You are but a simple gardener. Sure, you work for the Emperor of Japan, but you’re still a just a gardener. But then that guy from China had to show up. And he just HAD to bring a present. When you were told you had to take care of it, you assumed it was just a really rare ficus or a lovely statue or just something small and classy… Nope. He brought a panda. A fully grown, round, black and white monstrosity. A bear that literally eats 20 to 40 pounds of bamboo a day. It also has no sense of boundaries and your once quiet serene garden is his new home. Good luck!
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Perpetual Motion Machine Review

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Bad news: You’re in the Edwardian era. Every one is having an existential crisis, the industrial revolution has it so every thing is covered in coal, and the whole of society is in silent upheaval. The good news? You’re an unpaid intern for a swindler– I’m sorry, inventor– Who has created a perpetual motion device! Well, in theory. It’s kind of held together by ducktape and hot glue? It’s about to go on the show room floor, and it’s up to you to make it last just long enough to impress some folks. Good thing you’re such a wiz at poker! This isĀ Perpetual Motion Machine.

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